What You Can Do to Help Your Pooch Stop the Itch!

There is nothing better to a dog owner than to see his pet healthy, active and happy. A common reason for the transformation of your dog from happy to sad is due to dog scratching. Dogs just can't stand being uncomfortable. They scratch every part they can possibly reach once that itchy feeling comes their way.


Dog scratching is something a dog owner must address. It brings about much stress and trauma to your dog, especially when dog cuts come about. The itchy sensation makes the dog scratch and scratch, not being aware that he is making the problem worse. Of course, all he's thinking is, "Get rid of this irritating itch!".


A dog may appear active and playful, and yet be feeling very sore. There are various reasons for the dog scratching problem. It is likely because they have a specific skin issue, such as dermatitis.

Dermatitis can be environmental, nutritional, parasitic, infectious or bacterial. Now, what the dog owner must do first is to contact a veterinarian. As soon as it's noticed, the "dog scratching" problem must be given your full attention, as it may cause serious long-term skin problems if not dealt with early. A dog owner must work hand in hand with his vet, taking the full responsibility of relaying all the necessary information about his dog. With the cooperation of the owner, the vet would be able to identify the possible causes.


As soon as the cause of the dog scratching is identified, the dog must be treated immediately. Of course, depending on the specific cause, the owner must make some changes in order for the skin problem to totally heal. For instance, dog scratching problems can happen to dogs that are allergic to lawn grass (strange but true).

You may also want to consider products that specialize in treating dog scratching. There are a variety out there but one of the most effective ones I've ever seen contains the Mayan traditional herb Tepezcohuite. You can search Google to find an appropriate product for your dog's scratching problem.
So there you have it, some simple solutions to help get rid of annoying scratching in dogs. Your dog will be wagging his tail again in no time!
Reprinted with permission by Terrie Simpson, www.K9KlearUp.com. Terrie has been involved in the dog world for over 28 years and has achieved numerous awards with her Springer Spaniels in tracking and obedience. Over that time, she has amassed a good amount of knowledge about how to keep a dog healthy. She is now happy to give back by sharing her experience with other dog owners.

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