Brief Guide to Dog Surgery
Dog surgery pertains to any canine veterinary operation. It ranges from minor surgery, which usually only requires a few stitches, to major surgery, which involves medical solutions to multiple body organs.
One of the most common types of dog surgery is cataract surgery. Just like humans, dogs are also subject to complications in vision and blindness. A dog with cataracts gradually loses its eyesight. A palpable symptom of canine cataract is change in color of the dog's pupils. The eyes develop small spots that are either blue or gray in color. In terms of movement, a dog with cataracts tends to look lethargic. It walks uncomfortably and easily bumps into things.
The solution to cataracts is of course, a surgery. During a cataract surgery, the veterinarian removes the lens of the dog and replaces them with artificial substitutes. Cataracts in dogs are caused by consistent exposure of eyes to foreign objects. Just like in humans, the chances to have cataracts among dogs also depend on their genetics.
Read more: Brief Guide to Dog Surgery