Working Dogs: St Bernard
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An ancient breed, the St. Bernard believably descends from
the heavy fighting dogs brought in to Switzerland by Roman armies in the
1st century A.D.. He earned fame in the Swiss Alps, where, at the Hospice of
St. Bernard, dogs were raised and trained to rescue travelers who get lost in
the snow. Its a huge, powerful dog having a strong back and well-developed
hindquarters and muscular and strong shoulders. The head is distinguished with
its broad forehead, wrinkles and furrow, and muzzle with loose-skinned lips.
Its rather high-set ears are medium-sized and lie near the cheeks, and his
lower eyelids fit rather loose. The long tail hangs with a flimsy upward curve
at the tip. He comes in two coat types: shorthaired (smooth, dense, and tough)
and longhaired (medium length, plain to slightly wavy).
WEIGHT: 150-180 pounds
HEIGHT: males minimum of 27 1/2 inches; females minimum of
25 1/2 inches
COLOR: white with red, or red with white; brindle patches
with white markings.
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