Heeling: How to Properly Walk Your Dog on Leash

Since leash control is demanded by law in most communities, set out correct leash-walking at a reasonably early age. By this time your puppy must be used to being led using a leash secured to his collar.
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Heeling is a different name for walking properly under leash control; it implies walking with the dog's right shoulder in line with your left knee. If this lesson has been learned, you'll grip the leash in your left hand; your right hand will be free for different duties. Nevertheless, during the training period, the leash is contracted by coiling and is held using your right hand. At the same time, your left hand, palm downwards, holds a part of the leash near the dog's collar to perform firm correction or control. Just how close the collar you place your left hand depends upon the size of the dog.
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Have the dog on your left side. Go at a fairly brisk pace. Get a quiet path or sidewalk so the pupil's focus won't be disturbed by other animals or humans passing. Your goal is to have your dog walk willingly and readily. He could charge ahead like a little bull, or balk and back away. If he does, tug the leash using your left hand, call his name, and command "Heel!" to get him in line. You'll have to restate the command often the first few times you attempt heeling. Each time the dog moves ahead, lags, or crosses in front of you, tug the leash, call his name, and restate the command "Heel!" After a couple of minor corrections, your dog will line up his steps to your movement.
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There's a difference between giving commands and causing corrections. Every command of motion must be issued under a calm and pleasant tone, in conjunction with the dog's name. The sharp word and the jerk of the leash are corrections to be utilized when the dog lags behind, for example, or charges ahead, or when he halts to sniff the ground. And if your dog understands and obeys, be giving with your praise. Many lessons daily, around ten minutes each, will be just about right. Puppies tire quickly, so "little and often" is the rule.

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