Introducing a Cat to Your Dog
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Dogs and cats don't have to be enemies, though they are frequently made so by careless owners who shout "Sic 'im" to the dog each time he sees a cat. Do not ever be guilty of doing this!
When acquainted carefully, and particularly when puppy and kitten grow up together, they turn into firm friends. True, most dogs chase after cats at the slightest chance. The cat takes flight, the dog legs it after him. That is exactly why he does it, because movement charges up the age-old impulse to pursue. The cat in the home, nevertheless, will affect a dog otherwise; it is an animal to be sniffed, investigated, and finally recognized with affection.
When bringing a cat into a home where there's a dog, it's a good thought to keep them in separate rooms for a couple of days. In that way the dog can smell that a cat has joined the home, and the cat senses the presence of a dog. Then when they are joined they are more set up for the introduction.
A kitten and a puppy of reasonably equal age seemingly do not distinguish each other as cat and dog but simply as playmates. When a kitten is gotten into a grown dog's family circle, or a pup is added to an adult cat's home, the resident pet and the newcomer automatically become competitors for attention and affection. When you get a cat if your dog is already grown, select a kitten, cuddle him firmly in your arms, and let the dog notice and smell him. Pay lush attention to the dog, as jealousy can be trouble. If the new arrival acquires all the attention, the dog will feel threatened and might refuse to eat or be destructive. Split up the two after the first meeting. For the next week, permit the pair to get closer with every encounter, till they turn into friends.
© Athena Goodlight