Tips on Dog Exercise in Urban Areas

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How much and what types of exercises does an adult dog need? Only a few dogs get adequate amounts of exercise. In urban areas, and in busy suburbs, dogs should be exercised on leash, and this takes time. It's time well spent, nonetheless, for exercise is an excellent conditioner. The constant pace of controlled leash-walking is more beneficial than the occasional dashing hither and yon of the yard-confined dog. Moreover, even in a sizable yard, a dog can be as slothful as he wishes.
 Lets Go Pet Walker for Small/Medium Dog, Dog Training Equipment for Bicycle. 4 colors, Gold, Purple, Blue, Red. Color may vary.
Whenever possible, walk your dog on leash two times every day as far as he will go without appearing tired. Two or three trips along the block each day are more beneficial than three miles on Sundays only, for dogs become accustomed to exercise just as we do. The walk should be as long as the dog's legs—meaning, one city block for the short-legged dog equals many for the long-legged one. If you're uncertain about the distance your dog can walk, begin with a few blocks, then bit by bit increase the distance each day. In addition to leash-walking, your dog must be exercised and played with constantly in his yard, or he can be taken for a free run in woods and fields.
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Do not feed straightaway before or after exercise. When it's really hot, walk your dog just in the cool of the evening or early morning. Don't expect him to hold his own on icy sidewalks, for he slips easily. If you get caught in a shower, towel him dry when he gets in, and when returning home from a tramp in the woods, check out his feet for mudballs, thorns, or blisters and his coat for burrs and ticks.

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