Teaching Your Dog to Shake Hands
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Even a young pup can learn to "shake hands" since it takes no special strength or skill. It's natural for any dog to lift a paw in greeting or to attract attention. The aim is to make him put out one paw once you tell him to do so.
Now we will stress the importance of the Sit and the Sit-Stay exercises. When your puppy hasn't learned these, teach them first. You'll have to use them constantly. In the Sit, of course, the dog sits alongside you facing straight ahead, while in the Sit-Stay he sits and stays seated as you walk away from him.
Order the leashed pup to Sit-Stay, as you stand facing him. Now stand quite close and a little to one side. Lean toward him. This would make him draw back and raise one foot. If he doesn't raise his foot, tap it softly. Whichever paw he raises as you lean over him, take that paw in your hand and shake it gently as you say "Shake hands!"
There appears to be right-handed and left-handed dogs, so at the beginning you never know which "hand" you are going to shake. Take the one extended, then later you can teach the pup to shake first with one and then the other. After you shake the first, say "Now the other one!" If he still offers the same paw, just nudge the other one and he would give it to you. Remember the phrase "Good Rover" as you grant him a tidbit. As this trick is mastered—it won't take long—stand far from the dog instead of near him, and lastly, do it without the leash.
By TipWriter