Toy Dogs: English Toy Spaniel
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English Toy Spaniels, perhaps native to Japan or China , was well known for four centuries in England , where they were pets and darlings of royalty. There are 4 kinds, similar in type but different in color. They're compact and short-bodied dogs, relatively broad in chest. The strange skull is well-domed, with large, dark, widely set eyes. The stop, or indentation between the eyes, is remarkably deep—deep enough to bury a small marble in it—while the short nose is somewhat turned up, as is the under jaw. The coat is long, silky, and wavy.
WEIGHT: 9-12 pounds
HEIGHT: about 10 inches
COLOR: King Charles— black and tan; Prince Charles—white, black, and tan; Blenheim—red and white; Ruby—solid red.