Is Your Home Safe For Your Dog?

As threatening as a dog can at times prove to your living room, likewise the home can also be a lot more dangerous to a dog. Some pet owners have learned this the hard way, to their great hurt (and yet greater cost) throughout the years.

Death By Chocolate is not a peculiarly amusing concept in the canine world. Neither, for that matter, is death by slug bait, death by the perpetually lethal antifreeze, nor the rarer death by lead paint poisoning.

Whether you intend to take in a new dog into your household or you already have a dog in your home, the following safety measures will help ensure your pet's better health and happiness:

All medicines, supplements, herbal teas and other concoctions are potentially poisonous to canines and should be kept safely stored in closed cupboards or drawers.

Household cleansing agents and car additives, mainly antifreeze, should also be kept perfectly out of their reach.  The containers should be cautiously trashed of when emptied.

Blue boxes and other trash bins must be kept firmly covered every time.

Never place bugs, cockroach or rat traps where a dog can sniff them out.

Always leave a clean bowl of water out for your dog and discourage it from drinking from the toilet.  Also keep the toilet cover down. As an additional precaution, do not use automatic toilet bowl fresheners when you have pets around.

Never leave food around that could be fatal to a dog. This is particularly crucial in the case of chicken (brittle bones can stab a dog's stomach) and chocolate (which can lead to canine loss of sight and death).

For similar reasons, try to keep small, easily swallowed objects such as coins, toys and knick knacks safely out of the pet's reach.

Bundle up those oh-so-chewable electrical cords before treating them with a bitter-tasting spray, which is available via most petstores and vet's centers.

Some indoor plants and garden plants, can also be toxic to a dog.

© Athena Goodlight

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What is Dog Distemper?

Canine distemper ranks among the greatest perils to the world's dog population.  It primarily strikes young dogs, typically affecting those below one year old.  Among pups the mortality rate caused by distemper is around 80 percent.  The disease also attacks unvaccinated matured dogs. More than 50 percent of the full-grown dogs that get the disease die from it. And even if a dog does not die from distemper, its health could be permanently impaired.  Blindness in one or both eyes could result from discharges striking the cornea.  The same discharges sometimes leave the dog deaf or impair its sense of smell. Permanent damage to the nervous system may cause chorea (muscle twitching), convulsions, partial or absolute paralysis.

Canine Distemper is caused by an airborne virus.  It could be picked up by the dog that comes in contact with mucus and watery secretions from the eyes and noses of contaminated dogs, and also from contact with these dog's urine and feces.  A healthy dog can be infected with distemper even without direct contact with the infected animal. Kennels, runs, bedding and practically everything touched by a dog with distemper could spread the infection—this includes the hands, feet, and garments of the person handling the sick dog.

Read more on Canine Distemper:  Canine Distemper: Symptoms and Treatments

Working Dogs: Giant Schnauzer

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The Giant Schnauzer is the largest of the three Schnauzer breeds. Cattlemen in Southern Bavaria produced the Giant Schnauzer by breeding medium-size Schnauzers with smooth-coated sheep and cattle dogs, with later crossbreeds to rough-haired sheepdogs and black Great Danes. A a time it was known as the Munchener and was prized as a superb cattle and driving dog. It closely resembles the Standard Schnauzer but a bigger and more powerful variant.

WEIGHT: 65-85 pounds

HEIGHT: Males 251/2-271/2 inches; females 23 1/2-25 1/2 inches

COLOR: solid black; pepper and salt.

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Working Dogs: Standard Schnauzer

The Standard Schnauzer is a medium-sized dog, the oldest breed of the three Schnauzer types. Possibly a result of the crossbreeding of the black German Poodle and Gray Wolf Spitz with Wirehaired Pinscher ancestry, the Standard Schnauzer served as a guard and watchdog in Germany since the 16th century. It is also skilful as a rat catcher in the stable area. Its head is long, rectangular, and robust with a blunt whiskered muzzle.  Its body heavyset and squarely built. Its oval eyes dark and shadowed by bristling eyebrows. The V-shaped ears are small and carried upright when cropped, and the coat is hard and wiry.

WEIGHT: 30-40 pounds

HEIGHT: males 18 ½ -19 ½ inches; females 17 ½ – 18 ½ inches

COLOR: pepper and salt or pure black.

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What Should You Look For When Buying a New Puppy?

If you are now ready to take in a new pet dog, here are some pointers to help you choose your new pet puppy.

Visit only reputable dog breeders and ask to see as many puppies as you possibly can. Find a puppy with good temperament aside from its good physical condition because you'll be living with your dog for many years.  It is crucial to know lineage of the puppy you plan to adopt or buy. If it's possible, see and observe the parents of the puppy yourself; observe their friendliness, their energy, and their condition. Inquire if they are easy to train and how they behave around the house.  Genetic traits are important to observe.

Ask to see the whole litter at a time if possible. This may be understandably overwhelming, seeing all frisky little balls of fur.  Check which one is smartest puppy and to which would you like the most. It can be difficult to tell.  Sometimes the friendliest ones may not necessarily be the strongest friend in the long run. One may be an absolute little troublemaker, some others are reserved and coy. Curiosity has long been considered a fairly good measurement of intelligence, yet it isn't a definite guide in gauging the very young pup.
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The chief factor, then, is to find a puppy of excellent lineage and one with visible healthy energy. The healthy puppy is cheerful but not nervous or hyperactive. Check for clean and bright eyes clean, the coat should be shiny, the nose has clean from any mucous discharge, and with healthy-looking skin. The dog's ears should be responsive responds when you talk to him or if you make a sound. The low-spirited, cowering pup should not be immediately disposed as mentally retarded.  It may not be feeling well due to, possibly, a needed worming or medication. If you feel a fondness on a puppy of this type, it is advisable not take him yet. Instead, ask the breeder to get him in tip-top condition, and then visit him later.

It can be very discouraging to be forced to medicate a puppy the moment you take him home. It should not be necessary, and it will not be when you insist on a dog with perfect health upon buying the puppy. Perfect health implies two things: that the puppy is in good health at the present moment, and that he has not been exposed to whatsoever disease or form of infection which could break out in a few days.

Everything else depends on taste entirely. Other people favor a dog with a long tail, others opt for a dog with a short one. Some like upright ears, some like droopy ears. Some want long fur, some short, while larger sizes appeal to many, and the average and toy sizes to other people. Fur color choice also depends on taste, and there is a great deal of shades from which to choose from.

Think of creating a list of your preferences in a dog, then research on diverse dog breeds. See if you could find one which meets your tastes. In the end, the pet that will please you is the one you wish for. This will be your friend and pet whom you'll live with for the next decade or so. Acquire the pet whose appearance delights you; do not allow anybody to decide for you. And remember that size, sex, and fur type will dictate, to an extent, the kind of pet care you should give.

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Working Dogs: Samoyed

The Samoyed's name originated from the ancient Samoyed people of northeastern Siberia, where it served as hunter, draft dog, and reindeer herder. In more recent times, it served as a sled-dog racer, a pack carrier, and companion in polar expeditions. Basically an Arctic type, agile and strong, having deep chest and well-sprung ribs, powerful neck, straight front, and particularly strong loins, it carries the appearance of being capable of great endurance but without coarseness. Its edge-shaped head carries a broad skull, muzzle tapering off, eyes dark and wide apart, lips black and somewhat curved up at the corners of the mouth like a smile. Its furry ears stand upright. Its heavy coat is beautiful with thick and soft  undercoat, its outer layer longer, harsh, standing off from the body and shining with a silver sheen.

WEIGHT: 40-70 pounds
HEIGHT: males 21-23 inches; females 19-21 inches
COLOR: white, white and biscuit, cream, or all biscuit. 

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Working Dogs: St Bernard

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An ancient breed, the St. Bernard believably descends from the heavy fighting dogs brought in to Switzerland by Roman armies in the 1st century A.D.. He earned fame in the Swiss Alps, where, at the Hospice of St. Bernard, dogs were raised and trained to rescue travelers who get lost in the snow. Its a huge, powerful dog having a strong back and well-developed hindquarters and muscular and strong shoulders. The head is distinguished with its broad forehead, wrinkles and furrow, and muzzle with loose-skinned lips. Its rather high-set ears are medium-sized and lie near the cheeks, and his lower eyelids fit rather loose. The long tail hangs with a flimsy upward curve at the tip. He comes in two coat types: shorthaired (smooth, dense, and tough) and longhaired (medium length, plain to slightly wavy).

WEIGHT: 150-180 pounds
HEIGHT: males minimum of 27 1/2 inches; females minimum of 25 1/2 inches
COLOR: white with red, or red with white; brindle patches with white markings. 

By Tip Writer

Working Dogs: Mastiff (English Mastiff)

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Perhaps Asiatic in origin, the Mastiff comes down from ancient fighting dogs. In 55 B.C. it fought beside its masters in Britain against Caesar's Roman legions, and later at the Circus in Rome, when dogs were pitted against bulls, lions, bears, and tigers. So useful it was as a guard against wild animals that Anglo-Saxon law demanded it on large estates. It is a massive and strongly built dog, slightly arched over the loin, his forelegs straight and hind legs beefy. His head is broad and slightly rounded between the ears, the muzzle stark, forehead a bit wrinkled, dark eyes set apart, and V-shaped ears falling near the cheeks. His long, tapering tail drops straight in repose and produces a slight curve when the Mastiff is in action. The coat is coarse, short, and close-lying.

WEIGHT: 135-185 pounds
HEIGHT males at least 30 inches; females at least 27 1/2 inches,
COLOR: apricot, silver fawn, or dark fawn-brindle, with dark muzzle, ears, and nose

By Tip Writer

Dog's Sweaters and Coats

While your dog goes out walking he might need protection against winter cold. The universal rule is: when you put on a topcoat yourself, set a sweater or coat on your dog if he is used to living in a heated house. Naturally, when he is let out for a couple of minutes to scamper around the yard or when he goes for a walk on a mild day, he does not need to be bundled up. But if he is out for any duration of time, or walked in cold or wind, he must wear a covering.
 Kakadu Pet Explorer Fleece Reflective Dog Coat, 22", Flame (Red)
Should each dog wear a sweater or coat? The bigger, long-haired breeds don't need clothing of any type, particularly when fully grown. By that time their thick undercoat, covered with a coarser outer coat, protects the body from the cold. The flimsy puppy coat, however, isn't weather-resistant. Hence, if your pet is still bearing his puppy coat on his first winter, keep him moving outdoors and dry him well when his hair gets wet. For the fine-haired, thin-skinned, small breeds kept as house pets, these would require sweaters or coats on cold days.
 Suede Shearling Coat - XS Camel
Pet shops typically stock several different types of sweaters and coats for dogs. When selecting one, be sure that it covers the dog's chest, since this is the part that calls for the most protection. Fancy forms that are made of flimsy materials might be pretty to look at but are not much protection against the cold. Raincoats serve another purpose, naturally, and protect the neck and back including the chest. These save the owner loads of work, too, since a dog that's walked uncovered in the rain should be dried well when he comes in.
 Zack & Zoey Camo Companion Jacket Xxl Pink
Have your puppy get used to clothing of some sort while he is still young, for you never know when it might be useful. When sick, a housebroken dog often insists on going outdoors to relieve himself and, at these times, will require extra protection. Be cautious when putting on a sweater for the first few times. Don't scare the dog by pulling it over his head and ears. Rather, hold the sweater in one hand then place your other hand through the neck opening and spread it sufficiently to slip over the head softly.

By Tip Writer

First Aid for Pet Burns and Scalds

Almost all animal burns and scalds ensue from contact with direct heat like hot water, with grease, or other liquids; with chemical agents, or from gnawing on wires. A burn is induced by dry heat, like flames, while a scald is caused by damp heat—hot liquids spilled on the body, for example. Emergency treatment involves the following:

Thermal—For heat burns, help cool the area by putting on cold water or an ice pack for 20-30 minutes. Put on an antibacterial cream. Never apply butter, margarine, grease, salad oil, or other home remedies; these would just trap the heat and hold up the healing.

Chemical—For burns by corrosive chemicals, flush the skin with large amounts of cool water. If the substance contains an alkali, follow with a rinse of equal parts water and vinegar. If the substance contains an acid, follow through using a baking-soda rinse (2 to 3 tablespoons per quart of warm water).

Electrical—unplug the wire from its power source when it is still touching the dog's body. When you can not unplug the cord, cover a heavy towel around your hand or use a ruler, broom handle, or other nonconductor of electricity to force the wire out of the mouth or off from the body. Keep the dog warm and get veterinary attention right away.

Extensive outside burns from fire and scalding liquids can be a very serious emergency. Keep the dog warm and quiet and get prompt veterinary treatment.

© 2011 Tip Writer

Working Dogs: Doberman Pinscher

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The Doberman Pinscher takes his name from Louis Doberman, a German tax collector who produced the breed about 1890 by crossing shorthaired Shepherd, old English Black-and-Tan Terrier, Rottweiler, and German Pinscher stock. Popular as an outstanding watchdog, guard dog,  police and war dog, its very elegant-looking and clean of line all over. His head is long and wedge-shaped, and his ears are typically cropped and carried upright. His eyes are almond-shaped instead of round, and his lips are tight. The back is short, and the tail docked, while the smooth, hard coat fits close to the skin.

WEIGHT: 55-75 pounds
HEIGHT: males 26-28 inches; females 24-26 inches
COLOR: black, red, blue, and fawn (Isabella) with rust markings.

Working Dogs: Bullmastiff

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A mixture of 60% Mastiff and 40% Bulldog, the Bullmastiff was bred in England about 1860 to guard large estates and game preserves free from poachers. Fearless and obedient, they kept company gamekeepers on their late-night rounds. Since they were less visible, the darker brindles were favored to the more common fawn colors. Here is a powerful-looking, short-backed, compact dog having a large, broad head, dark eyes, and a fair quantity of wrinkle on the black-masked face. Ears are V-shaped and carried near the cheeks. The tail, powerful at the root and tapering to the end, might be short or curved. The coat is short and compact, affording good weather protection.

WEIGHT: males 110-130 pounds; females 100-120 pounds
HEIGHT: males 25-27 inches; females 24-26 inches
COLOR: red, fawn, or brindle.

Bernese Mountain Dog

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The ancestors of this breed were brought in to Switzerland more than 2,000 years ago by invading Roman soldiers. The dogs acted as watchdogs on farms in the canton of Berne who worked as drovers, drawing wagons for basket weavers. A good-looking, strong-boned dog, the Bernese has a long, silky jet-black coat having rust markings on the cheeks and spots over each eye, on all four legs, on each side of the chest, and under the tail. A white blaze graces the muzzle and forehead, white chest markings form an inverted cross, and there is white on the tip of the tail and the feet.

WEIGHT. 80-110 pounds
HEIGHT: males 24 1/2-27 1/2 inches; females 22 1/2-25 1/2 inches
COLOR: black with rich rust and clear white markings. 

Working Dogs: Alaskan Malamute

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The Malamute, among the oldest of Arctic sled dogs, was named after the native Innuit tribe, called Mahlemuts, who took root in the north-western part of Alaska. Originally developed to hunt wolves and polar bears, and to haul sledges, in recent years he has been utilized for sled-dog racing and in polar expeditions. They are big and sturdy, having a broad and powerful head, upright triangular-shaped ears, slanting eyes, and distinctive face markings comprising of a cap over the head, with the rest of the face a solid color—or a face marked with the look of a mask. Its feet are the "snowshoe" type, tight and deep, with well-cushioned pads. Its thick and coarse coat is rather short.

WEIGHT: 75-85 pounds
HEICHT: 23-25 inches
COLOR: light gray through intermediate shadings to black with white. 

Working Dogs: Rottweiler

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When Roman legions got across the Alps almost 2,000 years ago, they employed this breed's Mastiff-type ancestors as guards and cattle drovers. In time these dogs spread out across the Alps into the southern German village of Rottweil, where they were developed with local dogs to create the Rottweiler. For centuries thenceforth, this robust dog drove cattle to market and functioned as a guard and police dog. Its a stockily built, strong animal, calm and quiet. Its back is short, broad and level, his chest spacious, legs straight, with muscular thighs and quite heavy boned. The head is broad between the ears, with muzzle about as long as the depth of the skull. Its almond-shaped eyes bear a good-humored expression, while its small ears hang flat. The coat is short but really dense and hard.

WEIGHT: 85-110 pounds
HEIGHT: males 24-27 inches; females 22-25 inches
COLOR: black with rust to mahogany markings.
By Tip Writer

Working Dogs: Newfoundland

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Some authorities lay claim he is descended from Great Pyrenees dogs brought by Basque fishermen to the coast of Newfoundland; others consider his ancestors are French Boarhounds. An exceptionally powerful swimmer, it has saved many shipwrecked individuals from drowning. Strength is his trademark, together with a funny rolling gait. The body is strongly built and well-boned, the forelegs straight, the hind legs brawny and well-muscled. The head is massive having a broad skull, the muzzle broad and deep, eyes dark and deep-set, and small ears set well back and lying near the head. The tail drops straight or with a slight curve, while the coat is quite heavy and weather-resistant.

WEIGHT: 100-150 pounds
HEIGHT: 26-28 inches
COLOR: black, brown, grey, or white and black (Landseer). 
By Tip Writer

Working Dogs: Kuvasz

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The Kuvasz is an ancient breed whose ancestors came from Tibet, named after the Turkish Kwaz, meaning “the armed guard of nobility,” It was bred in his present form in Hungary and attained great  prominence throughout the reign of King Matthias I in the 15th century. There it served as a sheep herder and protected noblemen against assaults by the populace. He is characterized by a tough build. His body is deep-chested, broad in back, heavy-boned and muscular, and is embraced with luxurious white hair. His head, regarded to be the most beautiful part of the breed, is complemented by beautiful dark brown, moderately slanted eyes and V-shaped ears.

WEIGHT: males 100-115 pounds; females 70-90 pounds
HEIGHT: males 28-30 inches; females 26-28 inches
COLOR: white.

By Tip Writer

Working Dogs: Great Pyrenees

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The Great Pyrenees or the Pyrenean Mountain Dog is an ancient breed that comes from the earliest-known Asian Mastiffs. It was named after the Pyrenees Mountains, where it worked as a shepherd dog and protected its flocks from wolves and bears. It was a darling of the French royal court in the 17th century. Immense size and a majestic air differentiate the Great Pyrenees. Its head is large and wedge-shaped, measuring about 10 to 12 inches from dome to nose; with sloping dark eyes and V-shaped ears. Its body is strong, his bushy tail long and low when relaxed, but curled high over the back and "making the wheel" while alert. Its coat is his crowning glory—heavy and fine underneath, having a top layer of thick, coarser hair, straight or a bit wavy.

WEIGHT: males 100-125 pounds; females 90-115 pounds
HEIGHT: males 27-32 inches; females 25-29 inches
COLOR: all white, or principally white with markings of badger, gray, or varying shades of tan. 
 By: Tip Writer

Working Dogs: Great Dane

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The Great Dane sprang up in Germany, not in Denmark as one might conjecture, and has been recognized as a distinct type for over 400 years. The growing of the modern type began in Germany in the 19th century, where they were used as a boarhound, and continued in England and the U.S. Its a giant breed, dignified and regal, having a powerful, well-formed body. Its head is long, narrow, and delicately chiselled, his muzzle deep and square with full flews. The eyes are typically dark and quite bright; the ears must be well-pointed and set erect when cropped, otherwise they drop forward near the cheeks. The coat is short, thick, and glossy.

WEIGHT: 120-160 pounds
HEIGHT: males over 30 inches; females over 28 inches
COLOR: brindle, fawn, blue, black, harlequin (pure white with black patches).
By Tip Writer

Working Dogs: Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher takes his name from Louis Doberman, a German tax collector who produced the breed about 1890 by crossing shorthaired Shepherd, old English Black-and-Tan Terrier, Rottweiler, and German Pinscher stock. Popular as an outstanding watchdog, guard dog,  police and war dog, its very elegant-looking and clean of line all over. His head is long and wedge-shaped, and his ears are typically cropped and carried upright. His eyes are almond-shaped instead of round, and his lips are tight. The back is short, and the tail docked, while the smooth, hard coat fits close to the skin.

WEIGHT: 55-75 pounds
HEIGHT: males 26-28 inches; females 24-26 inches
COLOR: black, red, blue, and fawn (Isabella) with rust markings. 

By: Tip Writer

Toy Dogs: Pomeranian

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This is a member of the Spitz family. This perky dog's name traces to Pomerania, where, around a century ago, it was bred down in size. Its ancestors were the northern sled dogs of Iceland and Lapland. When first presented to England during the mid-nineteenth century, some breeds weighed as much as 30 pounds. Despite its tiny size today, it has retained its make and shape. The Pom's body is short and dense having a level topline. A foxy head, small upright ears, dark almond-shaped eyes, thick coat, and crested tail laid flat over the back complete the picture.

WEIGHT: 3-7 pounds
HEIGHT: 6-7 inches
COLOR: any solid color, with or without lighter or darker shadings of the same color, or with sable or black shadings; particolor; sable; black and tan.

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The Pekingese was sacred to Chinese emperors as far back as the Tang dynasty of the 8th century. Thieving of a sacred dog was at one time punishable by death. After the British looted the Imperial Palace at Peking in 1860, one of four dogs smuggled out was gifted to Queen Victoria and a vogue began. Here is a dignified toy with bravery far beyond his size. Its head is broad and massive, muzzle super short, broad, and wrinkled. The eyes are dark and prominent. The body is deep, compact, big-boned, and lionlike—heavier in the front than in back. The short forelegs are strange in that the bones of the forearm are bowed. The feathered tail rests back to either side, and the coarse, thick coat has a lush mane which forms a ruff or frill around the neck.

WEIGHT: under 14 pounds
HEIGHT: 6-9 inches
COLOR: red, fawn, black, black and tan, sable, brindle, white, and parti-colored, frequently with black mask and spectacles.

By Tip Writer

Toy Dogs: Japanese Chin

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The Japanese Chin was the spoiled pet of Oriental royalty for centuries and was allowed to associate only with those of noble birth. Commodore Perry first presented them to the West in 1853. A lively, well-bred fellow, the Chin spells quality from nose to tail. Its head is big for his size, having a broad skull rounded in front. His dark lustrous eyes are striking and set wide apart, while his small V-shaped ears fall gradually forward. His muzzle is broad, full, and quite short. The body is square and dense, legs exquisitely boned and tail heavily feathered and set up over the back. The long and silky coat has an inclination to stand out, particularly around the neck, so as to produce a thick mane or ruff.

WEIGHT: 5-7 pounds
HEIGHT: about 10 inches
COLOR: black and white or red and white.

By Tip Writer

Toy Dogs: English Toy Spaniel

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English Toy Spaniels, perhaps native to Japan or China, was well known for four centuries in England, where they were pets and darlings of royalty. There are 4 kinds, similar in type but different in color. They're compact and short-bodied dogs, relatively broad in chest. The strange skull is well-domed, with large, dark, widely set eyes. The stop, or indentation between the eyes, is remarkably deep—deep enough to bury a small marble in it—while the short nose is somewhat turned up, as is the under jaw. The coat is long, silky, and wavy.

WEIGHT: 9-12 pounds
HEIGHT: about 10 inches
COLOR: King Charles— black and tan; Prince Charles—white, black, and tan; Blenheim—red and white; Ruby—solid red. 

Italian Greyhound

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Believed to have originated in the Mediterranean basin around 2,000 years ago, the Italian Greyhound was a darling of European sovereigns, including Francis I of France,  Catherine the Great of Russia, Frederick the Great of Prussia, and Queen Victoria. He is elegant, slender and graceful, a true Greyhound in miniature. The head is long and narrow, the eyes dark and expressive and the muzzle fine. The small ears are tossed back and folded. The body is arching over the loin, the chest is deep, and the tail is long and carried low. The legs are exquisitely boned, having long feet like those of a rabbit. The hair is satiny and soft to the touch, thin and glossy.

WEIGHT: 6-10 pounds
HEIGHT: 13-15 inches
COLOR: any color and markings, sans brindle and tan markings.


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The world's smallest breed of dog begets his name from the Mexican state of Chihuahua. His origins are a mystery, although relics from the ancient Toltec civilization inside northern Mexico show small dogs having large ears that closely resemble modern Chihuahuas. He is all dog, alert and active. He bears a well-rounded "apple-dome" skull, with lean cheeks and jaw, and somewhat pointed nose. His ears are huge, typically erect and flaring slightly outward; his eyes are full and shining. The back is short, the bones relatively fine, the tail moderately long and carried away from the body. There are two coat types, smooth and long.

WEIGHT: under 6 pounds
HEIGHT: about 5 inches
COLOR: any color, solid, marked, or splashed. 

Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffon
The Brussels Griffon was produced fairly recently from numerous breeds, among them the German Affenpinscher, the Pug, the Belgian street dog and the Ruby Spaniel. He was an efficient ratter in his native Belgium, but here he is generally a pet and companion. He is short-backed and chunky, with a virtually human expression. The domed forehead bulges over large, wide set eyes, and the ears stand semierect. The nose is exceedingly short and tipped up, the muzzle broad. Bushy eyebrows, whiskers, and cheek fringes complete a curious but appealing picture. There are two distinguishable types of coat: rough and smooth.

WEIGHT: 8-10 pounds
HEIGHT: about 8 inches
COLOR: reddish brown, black, or black with reddish-brown markings.

Toy Dogs: Affenpinscher


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This pert short fellow is known as the "monkey dog" due to its big bright eyes, prominent chin, bushy eyebrows, and hair tufts about the face. Its shaggy coat is hard and wiry. His tail is docked and sported straight up. The ears stand upright when cropped. The breed was known in Europe since the seventeenth century.

WEIGHT: about 7-8 pounds
HEIGHT: under 10 1/4 inches
COLOR: black, black and tan, red, or gray.

How to groom an Affenpinscher:

Toy Dog Breed: Shih Tzu

Its origins are a bit obscure, but the Shih Tzu (pronounced sheed-zoo) originated centuries ago, probably in Tibet or China. Its semblance is portrayed in paintings and objects d'art of the Tang dynasty, dating approximately A.D. 624. The breed was known as the "chrysanthemum-faced" dog since its facial hair grew in all directions. Its princely, long and flowing coat, heavily plumed tail, long mandarin beard, and clearly arrogant carriage give the Shih Tzu a beguiling appearance.

WEIGHT: 9-18 pounds
HEIGHT. 8-11 inches
COLOR: varied

Toy Dog Breed: Silky Terrier

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Named after his fine silky coat, this tiny dog from Australia was once called the Sydney Silky, later the Australian Silky. Derived primarily from Australian Terriers interbred with Yorkshire Terriers, he was first shown in his native land in 1907. A fascinating little fellow of marked terrier character and spirit, he is a lightly built, reasonably low-set dog, with strong, straight forelegs, well-muscled thighs, and having a high-set tail that is sported erect or semierect.

WEIGHT 8-10 pounds
HEIGHT: 9-10 inches
COLOR: blue and tan. 

Toy Dog Breed: Yorkshire Terrier

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Named for the English county of Yorkshire, this terrier was produced by workers about 1860 to control rats in mines and mills. He hails back to Waterside Terriers, rough-coated Black-and-Tans, Paisley and Clydesdale terriers. A popular pet in Victorian times, this is a spunky little dog, covered from top to toe with a wealth of glossy, silky hair that's parted down the back and hangs directly to the floor on each side. The body is short and dense with a level topline. The head is small, relatively flat on top, having a short muzzle, dark and sparkling eyes, and small V-shaped ears that are carried upright.  It is also called the Yorkie and is considered one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds.

WEIGHT: under 7 pounds
HEIGHT. 7-8 inches
COLOR: steel blue and tan. 

Teaching Your Dog to Shake Hands

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Even a young pup can learn to "shake hands" since it takes no special strength or skill. It's natural for any dog to lift a paw in greeting or to attract attention. The aim is to make him put out one paw once you tell him to do so.

Now we will stress the importance of the Sit and the Sit-Stay exercises. When your puppy hasn't learned these, teach them first. You'll have to use them constantly. In the Sit, of course, the dog sits alongside you facing straight ahead, while in the Sit-Stay he sits and stays seated as you walk away from him.

Order the leashed pup to Sit-Stay, as you stand facing him. Now stand quite close and a little to one side. Lean toward him. This would make him draw back and raise one foot. If he doesn't raise his foot, tap it softly. Whichever paw he raises as you lean over him, take that paw in your hand and shake it gently as you say "Shake hands!"
 The Dog Tricks and Training Workbook: A Step-by-Step Interactive Curriculum to Engage, Challenge, and Bond with Your Dog
There appears to be right-handed and left-handed dogs, so at the beginning you never know which "hand" you are going to shake. Take the one extended, then later you can teach the pup to shake first with one and then the other. After you shake the first, say "Now the other one!" If he still offers the same paw, just nudge the other one and he would give it to you. Remember the phrase "Good Rover" as you grant him a tidbit. As this trick is mastered—it won't take long—stand far from the dog instead of near him, and lastly, do it without the leash.

101 Dog Tricks: Step by Step Activities to Engage, Challenge, and Bond with Your DogThe Only Dog Tricks Book You'll Ever Need: Impress Friends, Family--and Other Dogs! 

Competing in Dog Shows

When you take your dog to a show for the first time, this is what you do. Show your ticket at the entrance gate, which admits you and your dog. Nowadays, most shows are "unbenched," which implies that the dogs can come anytime before their scheduled classes and leave right away after, as long as they're no longer needed for additional judging. Some shows are "benched," which means that the dogs have to stay in designated stalls all day long, except when they're being groomed or judged. When the show is benched, the number on your ticket is your dog's bench number.

Be alert in taking your dog into the ring at the right time. You got a timetable in the mail with your ticket, and it gives the beginning for judging of your breed. Be ready in plenty of time, but allow your dog to relax until just before his class, so he would be clean and fresh. You will get a numbered armband at the ring entrance, and next you are in the ring.

A dog show is a series of contests, each more difficult than the last. Judging always starts with the Puppy dog class. When the class has assembled, the judge generally stands in the center and observes the handlers gait their dogs counterclockwise two or three times round the ring. He then motions them to stop. The handlers then pose their dogs at one side of the ring and the judge checks the dogs one by one. Afterward he asks each handler to move his dog in different patterns, so that he can appraise the animal's gait. As the judge examines each dog, he is finding out how closely it compares, in his opinion, with the breed standard. The judge awards first, second, third, and fourth places.

The Novice dog class is judged next in the equivalent manner, and after that the Bred-by-Exhibitor dog, American-Bred dog, and Open dog classes. When the dog classes are ended, the first-place winners get back into the ring and the judge picks the Winner's Dog.

The same class routine is repeated for the bitches, ending with the judge's choice of Winner's Bitch. The dogs that are named Winner's Dog and Winner's Bitch earn points toward their championship. When the regular classes are ended, additional competition carries on between Winner's Dog, Winner's Bitch, and the male and female Champions of Record. From these, the judge picks out Best of Breed, Best of Winners, and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed.

In an all-breed show, there's an additional competition resulting in one dog being distinguished as the best in the show. Each Best of Breed winner competes inside his group: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-sporting, and Herding. The seven group winners then compete for the grand prize, Best in Show.

Now, this might seem complex. Don't be demoralized. You don't have to understand it all immediately. Actually, if your dog wins first in his class, or even second, third, or fourth, you have every right to rejoice. You can take the ribbon home and show it to your friends with pride . If you win nothing, it's OK; there will be other days, different shows where you and your dog could try once more. But you do not have to keep showing him if you don't want to. Just one show alone would be an interesting experience. Later you can march again if you wish, and learn bit by bit as you go along.

If there's a dog club in your neighborhood, get in touch with the secretary, who would tell you something about the meetings of the group. You'll be welcome to attend, and can learn much about dogs, shows, grooming and general care, and dog breeding as well.

 Dog Show Training - How to Train Your Dog to Beat the Ruff Competition at Dog Shows

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